Contact Us
Give us a call, or send us an email to schedule a free consult or discuss your current needs. We strive to answer our phone every time when possible!
In the event we are unable to answer, please leave a detailed message and we will call back within the hour. Replies to email inquiries are returned within one business day.
Should you have an emergency sitting request please let us know in your voice message or email and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Serving Cochrane, AB and surrounding area.
Business Hours
8am to 5pm
After Hours
Please leave us a voice message or email us outside of regular business hours.
Operating Hours
Operating hours are 24/7 for Horse Sitting, to contact us please follow after hours protocol outside of business hours.
**Emergency Sitting***
For emergency sitting service please advise in your voice message or email. Our sitters will respond promptly.